Who, What, Where, When and Why

Hi. I’ll start with who. My name’s Ben and I’m a 21 year-old from Surrey. During this time of lockdown I’ve decided that writing a blog specifically focusing on sneakers and streetwear discussion, may help my lockdown boredom and give me a bit of focus. It may not, we’re just going to have to wait and see. For a bit of background for anyone reading that doesn’t know me personally, I’ve had an avid interest in sneakers and streetwear for around 5 years now. In the grand scheme of things this really isn’t that long, but it’s been long enough to give me enough knowledge to write about the “scene” so here we are. I would like to clarify, I’m in no shape or form an OG of the scene and hope to learn from making this blog as much as I hope to educate and inform others. That obviously depends on whether people are actually going to read it… Anyway, in terms of what I want to cover on this blog, posts will probably range from why people buy what they buy in the streetwear world to how Nike and Jordan have created an unrivalled global hype for their clothing and shoes. Only two examples, but you’ve got to start somewhere. I’ll tie things up and say welcome to my blog and even if you don’t enjoy reading anything that I write, try and learn something new 🙂

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